1) Dont pick client call on personal number, if someone call, re-call from offical number.
whatever client says, share in group,if issue add in github and share in skype.
2) If any client try to cheat then share with managment without any hesitation, it will be keep secret.
in back days, many doubets were raised between us and our X employee
3) if any client or existing client/old client, give/request some task or some personal task share with management
to avoid doubets, these types of miner action lead dis-honesty
4) Team personal numbers are only added in whatsapp group just for reply of any concern, if someone call
you directly tell them, call not allowed on personal numbers.
if you need, compnay can arrange sim with balance for you with Nokia Set
5) For lunch / kithen /washroom , please dont disuss openly with team,it looks very cheap. on fixed time decicated
person will arrange the lunch.
6) First/Second Satruday of every month will be Holiday(SUGGESTIONS)
7) Regarding website/software enquiry please add in followup (Enquiry) set next followup with the client.
Monday - Saturday
08.00am - 05.00pm
Call Us / WhatsApp Now
+92 307 4585 990 / +92 307 4585 990
ServiceProvider.PK – Your Trusted Software Partner!
41/1 F-2, Punjab Housing Society, DHA Lahore Cantt.