1. Office time is 9:0 am to 6:00 pm so everyone is requested to reach office on time and leave message in “Skype Group”. The person who will not send message in group before 9:10 am, will be consider as late “ We will count number of late joining and number of early existing, the person who will leave office before 6:00 pm will be consider as earling leaving. Time sheet cannot be submit before 6:00 PM. Time sheet of current day cannot be submitted next day[untill net issue in office, next day before 10:00pm ]. If there is issue with net you can text / whatsapp. Minimum working hours per week are 48 Hours. Everyone should complete his working hours. [ For Trainee minimum hours per week are 24/Hours]
2. your punctuality, effort, hardworking attitude, daily shower, hair brush and well dressing all things are noted, if anyone will not obey, we can take any action.
3. Please control your mobile usage and Facebook/YouTube usage otherwise your cell phone will be deposit in office Draw and will return you on break time / off time. During working hours please keep your cell on silent.
4. In your personal life you can do anything whatever you like but in office time don’t give any impression like you are wasting your time on opposite Gender.
5. Keep office clean, put garbage in Dustbin. if someone use any mug/cup please wash it and put in kitchen instead of table until we arrange any office boy.
6. Everyone is request please offer all prayers, if you are unable to offer Fajer prayer, Please offer it in office and go for prayer in any one Masjid but fix time for all.
7. Fix break time 1:15 PM to 2:15 PM on Friday [01:00 to 2:30 ]
8. Everyone will assign task to Junior/Senior/Trainee/Internee via task feature of serviceprovider.pk [http://www.serviceprovider.pk/AllTasks/Index]
9. All communication with Employee/ X-Employee should be done via email either experience letter. Any Leave / short leave and employee should wait for approval [if it’s not sudden]. We noticed few people give us just information instead of taking permission of leave.
10. Daily code check in in all cases. Who did not check in DB + DB change script with standard name For example; Db Name ( EMS_Aug052018 ) Script Name ( 1_Student_Aug052018)
When you check in code and deploy code dont forget to and release notes
<p hidden="hidden">
!!! End of the day!!!!
Checked in Date: Aug132018
Checked in by: AJ
Published Date:
Published Date:
11. If someone leave office more than 10 minutes, will send email on service@serviceprovider.pk email id, also inform as back.[Plenty]
12. For Any type of leave/short leave inform at least before few days/weeks (if planned holiday)). Otherwise just send email official email id.
13. You can use Single air phone in office but not double please. Video Songs+movies are not allowed in office timing.
14. For client communication please use official phone number we will not give more favor after office timing. If any client expect 24 hours support we will charge extra amount with them and you will be also get some benefit with them. If we will not pick call on official number client can call use on personal this call will be optional for us. you can share timing with client [9am/6:00pm]
15. In office time any Friend/Guest/Client is visiting or want to visit, need to Inform on official Email id and please serve them with drinks or food if required. Company will pay for it.
16. If some do good job appreciate it same time, if any mistake guide him in separate session.
17. We should respect of each other, everyone should have some good relation with each other. Give maximum favor to each other as much as possible.
try to obey the things whatever task is assigned to you. if one thing is tole more than 3 times and you didnot obey it then get ready for [Plenty]
18. As a team or as stakeholder we should trust on everyone loyalty, honesty, sincerity. Share the things to avoid doubts. if you face any concern share with relevent person.
19. Success only comes from hard work so we need to do hard work. Hardworking always pay back.
20. No extra favor to clients, Development will be started as client pay some advance payment.
21. Each persons who are working on Data entry/ORM/Socail media need to complete there hours. for example in 30 days he/she sh'd complete 60 /120 hours per month. these working hour will be tracked from Timesheet.
per month, if someone take off full day, next day will complete his pending hours.
during time sheet you will choose relevent project / task.
22. When you leave office make sure your Power Cable/Extension should be un-plugged from electric board]
23. If you leave office more than 15 minutes shutdown your laptop/pc. [Plenty]
24. During working hours Please be professional and well mannerd, some time i listen your loud voice out side the stairs. plese dont put your legs on table and be well mannered please.
25. If some face any issue and concern feel free to send email service@serviceprovider.pk or Inbox
26. Washroom door sh'd be close, who left it open ready for Plenty.
27. Smoking not allowed in premises of offcie and stairs are also part of office premises.
If anyone who will not follow the guidelines and dont obey the policy, compnay has full rights to take any step for the betterness of compnay.
Monday - Saturday
08.00am - 05.00pm
Call Us / WhatsApp Now
+92 307 4585 990 / +92 307 4585 990
ServiceProvider.PK – Your Trusted Software Partner!
41/1 F-2, Punjab Housing Society, DHA Lahore Cantt.